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Chelsea 宫师姐


译者按:当我在LinkedIn上看到前同事David Krofeld离职并加入创业公司的时候,我是有一些惊讶的,毕竟我曾数次与David交流过这个问题,彼时他认为自己作为三个小女孩的爸爸很适合做Intrapreneur(即在一个稳定的大公司里尝试开展全新的战略业务)。David非常聪明,手握MIT的MBA,在大名鼎鼎的麦肯锡历练过两年多,太太生第一个宝宝时,他为了工作生活平衡离开咨询行业、选择了进入大公司,有二十多年的行业经验,做的也都是受高层关注的战略性项目。我在认识David后一度视他为mentor,因此当我看到他职业变动并发布了一篇文章,我立刻点开、想要了解他做出决定的背后。读罢,觉得他的思路一如既往很清晰,恰逢朋友圈几位朋友也在类似时间点做了类似的选择,因此跟他申请翻译、转发这篇文章到微信,希望能获得更多的讨论。David很愉快地答应了。

I Left a Cushy Corporate Job to Join a Startup: Here's Why


Author: David Kronfeld,President & COO @ PatientFinder



【From the author: After 20+ years in corporate roles, I decided now was the time to join a young, promising startup. Whether you're curious about my decision or considering something similar for yourself, I hope this article will be of use to you. 】


Leaving a safe job at a publicly traded, industry-leading company wasn't a decision I made quickly. On the contrary, I spent several years introspecting to recognize that I needed a fresh start and, even then, the choice to join a startup wasn't obvious, despite it being something I've always been interested in. If you're anything like me in this regard — holding onto a fantasy that one day you'll join a startup but never quite feeling the time was right — then this is written with you in mind.


Why leave?

For the past 6 years, I had a successful career at Medidata, a provider of software-as-a-service solutions in support of improving clinical trials for Life Science organizations. During that time, I had the honor to work with some of the most talented and mission-driven folks in my career, many of which have become lifelong friends. But, in the back of my mind, I started to develop a feeling that something was lacking, and over time that feeling became impossible to ignore.



Here are the three main reasons I finally decided it was time to find something new.


  • Differing Strategic Vision — Being a domain expert in areas that are adjacent to your company's core business can be awkward, at best, or put you at odds with their strategic direction, at worst. Although right or wrong can only be assessed in hindsight, my time is precious and realized that I only wanted to work on projects into which I'm compelled to pour 100% of myself. 异化的战略视野 ——当你的专业领域偏离公司核心业务时,你的定位会比较奇怪,甚至于可能因你不在公司战略方向而置自己于危地。虽然最终结果无从预判,我的个人时间是宝贵的,我只想做那些自己心甘情愿倾注百分百的项目。

  • Limited Career Velocity — A mentor of mine once said, "Careers are like sharks — keep moving forward or die." A bit dramatic, perhaps, but there's an element of truth too. In my case, focusing on innovation, which by definition isn't within the core business, meant there wasn't a structure for career development. In the end, you can only swim against the currents for so long before it's time to find another stream. 有限的职场提升速度——我的一位导师曾经说:“一个人的职业生涯就跟鲨鱼一样,要么前进要么死。”这个比喻可能略戏剧化,但其中有真实的成分。以我为例,我负责公司创新,这并不在核心业务范畴,因此公司里并没有相应的晋升结构。最终我只能像在逆流中游泳,直到撑不住了、换去另一条溪流。

  • Personal Stability — I suppose there's never an ideal time to take a risk in your career, especially if you have three young children like I do. Fortunately, we have a dual-income family so when my wife, Denise, told me that I'd have her support for whatever decision I make, it allowed me to immediately consider a wider range of possibilities. 个人稳定性——仔细想想,其实从来都不存在这样一个完美时机,尤其如果你跟我一样家中有三个小朋友。幸运的是,我家是双收入家庭。因此,当我太太丹妮斯告诉我,她支持我的任何决定,我便立刻开始考虑自己职业上更广泛的可能性。

Why a startup? Why that startup?

I knew startup life wouldn't be glamorous and the odds of making a life-changing exit would be slim, but what was more important to me was investing my time in a company that was fully invested in me. Although I considered other corporate opportunities, I believe that working at a startup would offer the most control of my future. *pause for laughter* Yes, startups offer little predictability, but when curveballs come I need to be the one deciding which ones to swing at.



But which startup? In the end, it comes down to 'fit'.


  1. Company — Identify a company that has differentiation within its market and relative to its competition. All else being equal, this is the biggest driver of success. If you can't check this box, stop here. In my case, my interest was piqued by PatientFinder's outlier commercial performance, specifically the rapid acquisition of and growth within customers resulting in profitability with only seed funding; quite an accomplishment for a young SaaS company. 首先,公司——找到一家在自己领域区别于其他竞争对手的公司。同等条件下,这会是公司取得成功的最大驱动力。如果这一条不能满足,排除这家公司。以我为例,我对于新公司PatientFinder的兴趣来自于它出色的商业表现,尤其是它的快速兼并以及客户增长让公司在种子轮便实现盈利,这对于一家年轻的SaaS公司是非常了不起的。

  2. Team — This can be very difficult to assess during a traditional interview process but since the people you work shape your environment, and consequently your satisfaction, this is crucial. As an Advisor and Board Member to PatientFinder, I had privileged exposure to its founder & CEO, Dave Thornton, over two years, which made it easy to check this box. 其次,团队——在传统的面试环节里,这非常难以考察。但是,你一起工作的人会塑造你的工作环境,并影响你对工作的满意度。这非常关键。我在过去两年一直担任PatientFinder的顾问及董事会成员,因此得以近距离观察公司的创始人兼CEO戴夫·桑顿。这让我很容易就做出了积极判断。

  3. Role — Although the most granular of the categories, this is the most important to me. Finding the right role, one where you can make the greatest impact with the most responsibility, is a key ingredient in career progression. After all, regardless of how big or small your exit is, your professional experiences are what you bring to your next opportunity. 第三,职位——虽然这是最细分的一条,但这对我来讲是最重要的。找到最合适的职位,找到那个能让你发挥最大影响力、具备最大责任权限的角色,这是职场发展的关键要素。毕竟,不管最终你能否收割胜利,只有职业经验才是你唯一能带到职场下一步的。

Everyone's situation is different. So please comment and contribute your experiences -- I want to hear from you!


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